
Taco Tribe NFTs are currently listed on the Polygon blockchain and uses the native currency $MATIC for minting. There are several stages or waves with an increasing price point.

Every 1000 mints, the mint price increases by 5 MATIC. 1st Wave 0001-1000: 10 MATIC 2nd Wave: 1001-2000: 10 MATIC 3rd Wave: 2001-3000: 15 MATIC ​ 4th Wave: 3001-4000: 20 MATIC 5th Wave: 4001-5000: 25 MATIC 6th Wave: 5001-6000: 30 MATIC 7th Wave: 6001-7000: 35 MATIC 8th Wave: 7001-8000: 40 MATIC Final Wave: 8001-8226: 45 MATIC

Last updated